Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bottom 10's: The Lost Categories

The Worst Music To Have Playing During Sex
10. Majic 100 radio - Tristan
9. Big Shiny Tunes 6 - Tyler
8. Scottish Bagpipes - Bliss
7. Dolly Parton - Jeff L
6. Marilyn Manson - disposable teens - Roxy
5. Eiffel 65 - blue(dabadee) - James
4. I'm the only gay eskimo - Ellie
3. New Kids On The Block - Sharpe
2. Me singing while fucking her - Jeff W
1. CJOH News - Dano

The 10 worst pickup lines
10. Hey baby, does this cloth smell like chloroform to you? - Jeff W
9. If we were a couple of squirrels would you let me bust a nut in your hole? - Hayden
8. Wanna go halves on a baby? - Marie
7. Lick your finger, touch yourself, touch her and say "Hey baby, let's you and me go and get out of these wet clothes" (and it worked) - Jeff L
6. Yo, my friend wants your number - Kayla
5. Are you an angel? cuz i just got an erection! - James
4. I need the best hooker in town (said while stroking my arm)- Ellie
3. I forced an Irish accent and said "if you like bailey's, you need to try THIS irish cream" - Sharpe
2. How much does a polar bear weigh...?  Enough to break the ice - Carly
1. I'd buy you a drink, but let's skip the foreplay. - Jenn

The 10 worst places to have sex (as experienced by UpFront readers)
10. The drivers seat of a Volkswagen Jetta - Ronnie
9. On a pool table at McClaren's (we were told to stop, so we moved to the bathroom) - Anne
8. In a sauna - Dave
7. On a bunch of rocks in a Kanata nature trail - Bruce
6. A stand up shower built for what seemed like half a person - Megan
5. In the butt - Michelle
4. In the unheated hallway of an abandonned motel in the middle of Saskatchewan in January - Ellie
3. On the hood of a muddy pickup truck in the dark in the forest.  My feet were wet and muddy, and I almost ripped a wiper off; it was like a slip and slide! - Jenn T
2. The bathroom of a kids sports/lasertag place after hours. there was no where to do it but the cold, hard, dirty floor - Vicky
1. A Wheelbarrow - Roxy
Honourable mention: Public washrooms across Canada

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