Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sexapalooza Ottawa 2008

I got my ass kicked by this weekend's sex convention. Holy...Fucking...Shit.
Okay, I'll admit that I didn't attend friday night. I spent Friday night at an Aids Committee of Ottawa / In Spot / Disorganized event at Babylon. I tried to play it off as being a business thing, because of who it was put on by, but it was honestly just a drunken shitshow full of electronic music. I guess since I can't claim the cover charge as a business expense I don't mind admitting that the main reason I was there was to see Thunderheist. The secondary reason being to network with The Aids Committee of Ottawa and gather some information on In Spot. Unfortunately, by 2:00am I had damn near forgotten all about networking and stumbled out into the street piss drunk, with my friend Kayla, both of us laughing at me for pretending that I was there in the name of research.

I spent all day Saturday and all day Sunday at Sexapalooza. A good chunk of my time was taken up with demonstrating high end vibrators from Europe and Japan. One of the lines I was pushing is called Joy Division, which is ironically enough, German. They're fantastic vibrators. Hygienic silicone with 2 silent internal motors, ultra-flexible and come with a 5 year warranty. The only problem with the vibrator is that I can't imagine using it without a mental image of Ian Curtis hanging. Or worse, WWII concentration camps.

Sexapalooza was surprisingly well organized. Promotions for the show were left late, most of the vendors and demonstrators were expecting a disappointing turnout. To everyone's pleasant surprise, the venue reached capacity at least once each day. The chance Ottawa having of a bigger and better sex con next year is looking good.

Next time I'll bring business cards :)

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