Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A reader concern

Hi, Paw Knee

I don't have a question so much as a comment. In your January response to a man who asked about non-exclusive relationships, I found your comment that "(most) women, by nature, want to be in exclusive partnerships…" rather offensive. I have an open mind about people's choices, and women, just as men, have the choice to engage in whatever relationship they want to, which includes nonexclusive relationships. I am wondering what is the natural and innate aversion women have towards an open relationship? I am a woman and I have yet to be handed a guide which tells me I want to be in an exclusive partnerships, or know my nature to be against nonexclusive relationships. I did enjoy the rest of your responses, but I'd appreciate some future care with the unsubstantial conclusions you make.
(Name withheld at my discretion)

(name withheld),
I am truly sorry to offend. I hope you understand that it is not my intent to do so and I very much appreciate your feedback.
I also keep an open mind about people's decisions, however, when asked such a generic question I have little choice but to answer based on the majority - and the fact is that women are psychologically predisposed to long for exculsivity within a partnership. I fully acknowledge that it is not always the case. Polyamory is a legitimate lifestyle choice, although uncommon, as are casual encounters and extensive casual relationships. What I've learned through studies, experience and social observation is that women prefer monogamy for a few key reasons, most notably: social conditioning. We are bred from birth (by various media outlets, religions and for many, our families) to believe that the proper adult relationship is a man and a woman together... generally for the purpose of procreation.
I don't really agree with it, although my opinion is not what matters. The matter is that I gave a generic response to a rather generically formulated question. If you have any more questions, corrections or comments please feel free to email me and I would be happy to consider the issue(s).

Keep reading and be safe!
Raw Knee

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