Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Zack and Miri Make a Porno

After going to see a sneak preview of Zack and Miri Make a Porno last night I thought that it was only fair that I put up a little bit of a review. Now, I'm no movie critic - but I like what I like, and I liked this movie. Like most View Askew productions, it's heavy on dialogue and quite humorous. The first half of the movie is a string of mildly intelligent jokes that may not be relevant in 10 years, but will nonetheless have you on the verge of peeing your pants. The entire plot progresses smoothly, but becomes predictable at the climax. The movie's climax is obvious, as it's the point in the movie when the female lead climaxes. The denouement is sappy but heartwarming while the ending leaves you with warm fuzzies and a few belly laughs. As a whole, Zack and Miri Make a Porno is endearing, heartwarming and effing hilarious; Definitely a great date movie. I give it 2 boners up!

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