Monday, September 8, 2008

Fuck Subjectivity. Beauty is Beauty.

The other night I had the pleasure of attending the housewarming party of a friend and former neighbour of mine. The small gathering was ripe with familiar faces and friendly new ones. A good number of guests there were 20-something women, almost all of whom are involved in the DIY/art scene. I suppose this is how the context of homemade corsets came up. The host retrieved one of her older creations to show us and somehow this led to talk of sizing and offering clothes to be borrowed. One of the ladies said "No, that won't fit me. I wear a size 12!" to which she was replied "So do I, it'll fit". "But you're a small 12, I'm a big 12". The subject was changed shortly thereafter but it stuck in my mind. I thought back on all of the self deprecating comments I've heard these beautiful women make about themselves over the evening and over the term of our acquaintanceship or friendship.

A few glasses of wine and a glass of scotch later it had slipped my mind and it was time for some of us to mosey on to another party. The next party was very different. The first thing I saw when I walked in was an unnamed male friend of mine dancing around naked... that's a story for another day.

While at this party another female acquaintance of mine confided that she's got body issues and is trying to get over them. I told her that I understand and assured her that she's beautiful. I hate to admit it but when other women I know display their confidence issues I try even harder to hide mine. I think part of it really is to convince myself; if someone else can't see my acceptance of physical flaws then maybe they won't notice that I have them at all.

This mindset lasted me until the wee hours of the morning when I was "hooking up" with a male friend of mine whom I'd ran in to at one of the parties. He suggested that we watch porn. Usually, I am all over that sort of suggestion. I love porn. But I said 'no'. When he asked why, I told him that I wasn't in the mood for porn. The truth was that I didn't want him to see those sexy and beautiful women on the tv screen and then look over, see me and realize just how poorly I measure up to the so-called ideal women in porn.

So here I am, thinking again, about this lasting issue. Women hating their own bodies.
You know what? I'm gorgeous. So are all of the women who I held company with over this past weekend. All the women who hate their thighs or bellies because they're "too fat". All the women who hate their hair because it's too curly or too straight. All the women who hate their noses, their lips, their feet, their bodies! Why must we hate ourselves so damn much?

Ladies, when I look at you I see a whole person. A BEAUTIFUL whole woman who deserves to know how wonderful they are.

You are beautiful.
I appreciate you for your intelligence, your talents, your strengths and weaknesses, your assets and your flaws. I appreciate your beautiful faces and beautiful bodies. And don't you DARE try to tell me that size 12 is fat.


Asha said...

<3 <3 <3


Veronica Michelle said...

Yes Ma'am!
We should!

Unknown said...

cause all women feel like that at some point. i know i have. Ronnie, you make a very good point. we should all be lucky to have a friend like you!! cause you are gorgeous!!! hugs and kisses

Daver41 said...

I don't care what ppl say fat is beautiful too its the best.